Growing up in the hills of St. Maarten in the Caribbean, garden life was my daily way of life. Morning and evening, I’d gather herbs from our family’s garden, surrounded by the fragrances of mint, sage, basil, rosemary, lemongrass, and so many more. Herbal tea was a constant in our home—enjoyed for its incredible taste, the way it made us feel, and the belief that it kept us looking and feeling our best.

My love for herbs led me to pass on these herbal traditions to my own children, teaching them to grow and brew herbs, and even to my first small business, designing and maintaining organic herb and vegetable gardens for schools, villas, and hotels across the island. My tea gardens were always a favorite, and through them, I discovered new herbs from diverse cultures of my clients.

When I moved to the U.S. with my young family, I couldn’t grow all my favorite herbs in the new climate. So I started sourcing from organic farms worldwide, exposing myself to new amazing herbs and their benefits along the way.  I was already aware that drinks sold in supermarkets were filled with ingredients that have profound negative impacts on our health. In contrast, I knew herbal teas could nourish and protect us, helping our bodies handle stress, pollution, viruses, and more.

So every day, I brewed herbal teas in my kitchen, served them to my family and even filled upcylced  water bottles to send with my children to school. I created blends that tasted amazing and supported the daily need states we all faced.  I made teas to boost immunity during cold season, sharpen focus for exams, replenish energy before workouts, and calm nerves before big moments.

Word spread, and soon, friends and neighbors started asking for my teas. Demand grew beyond what I could make at home, so I set out to bring my blends to a wider audience. Today, I brew tea in volumes I never imagined, but my commitment to quality remains the same.

I make tea for people like me—those who prioritize their own and their family’s health and happiness. I use the same organic herbs for my customers as I do for my loved ones, carefully sourcing functional leaves and flowers from sustainable farms and brewing them to capture their functional benefits and vibrant flavors.

It’s an honor to offer you my herbal teas to elevate your state, wherever life takes you.

Zahira, Founder & Chief Tea Officer